71 boxes of story books and two mini books shelves CESRUD/FAVL Ghana received from Biblionef Ghana

Paul Ayuretoliya writes: Last week 71 boxes of books and two book shelves were provided by Biblionef Ghana (with support from the Rotary Club of The Hague-Metropolitan District and the Rotary Club of Tema), with CESRUD as implementing partner (Ghana News Agency story is here). Now 22 basic schools in Bolgatanga West B’ and Bolgatanga North Circuits all in Sumbrungu and Nyariga communities now have mini school libraries. Children in these schools are now able to read any book of their choice. Two teachers (that is the head teacher and the school library teacher) from each of the 22 basic schools were invited for the books presentation of a donation of 71 boxes of books and two shelves. In attendance also were the executive director of CESRUD/FAVL Ghana, Mr. Asanga Rex, Upper East Regional library librarian, Mr. Leslie Kasanga and one other staff, the Circuit Supervisor for Bolga West B’ Circuit Madam Theodora Ako, leaders of the teachers association of both circuits and three media house; Mr. Anthony Apubeo from Ghana News Agency, Mr. Abopaam Mac Donald from Dreams Fm and Isaac Akolgo from BTU Radio.

In my welcome address, I made mentioned of the efforts CESRUD/FAVL Ghana have over the years has put in place to offer every child the opportunity to pick up a book and read with the view of improving upon quality education at all levels. I made mentioned of the Vision and Mission of FAVL and how the coming in of Biblionef Ghana have helped to further advance the course of reading for all. All those who were in attendance were happy to hear that two more schools have been added to the existing 20 schools. We give credit to Biblionef Ghana. The Executive Director thanked all for coming and asked the teachers to pay particular attention to helping the children read and promoting reading at their respective schools. He asked the teachers of what benefit will it be if all the books provided is not put to good use. They should ensure that children patronizes the books at all time, they should make time to read with children as often as possible, and encourage them to read at all time. He took participants down memory lane the idea of the community libraries how it started among others. The Upper East Regional librarian on his part was happy to be part of the program, he said CESRUD/FAVL Ghana were doing almost a greater part of the work that the Ghana Library Authority should have been doing, and so he happy and wished that the books they are taking back to their schools will be put to good use. He assure all teachers that staff from the Upper East Regional Library will be available when call upon to offer any technical support like cataloguing and others.

All the school library teachers were given the opportunity to report on how their libraries have been running since schools resumed after COVID 19 break. They all reported that children are patronizing the school libraries and reading the books when it is the library hours. A summation of some intervention put in place to ensure that the books are put to good use, some are as follows;
– All schools have made provision in their school time table a library period, some schools have library period twice in a week for every class or more.
– Children are encourage to borrow books to the house and read and upon return report or summarized the story in the book.
-Children are given the assignment to find at least three new words in a story book from the school library.
-Some teachers read some of story books from the libraries and shared with children to arouse their interest to also read.

In all we had a successful books presentation day yesterday, in fact Biblionef Ghana would have been around yesterday to do the presentation, but they sent the books and asked that CESRUD do the presentation to the various schools on their behalf this time round due to the COVID 19 and its related issues.

Gowrie-Kunkua repairs close to completion

Paul Ayuretoliya writes: This is a brief update from the Gowrie-Kunkua community library about the ongoing works. The plastering works have since been completed, the flooring works is next and then window works and painting. The progress of work very slow though, everything is gradually getting to finishing. Thank you.

Radio discussion on the impact of community libraries in Sumbrungu, Ghana

Paul Ayuretoliya writes: Today in the morning, Mr. Asanga Rex and myself was hosted at the Bolgatanga Technical University (BTU) radio located in Sumbrungu. The radio station has a wide coverage reaching almost every part of the Upper East Region. A lot people especially those from Sumbrungu and the surrounding communities listen to the this radio station regularly. We discussed with listeners among other things the existence of the three community libraries and school libraries, the roles and impact of these libraries and the need for all parents and guardians to encourage their children to visit the libraries and read. The discussion were also a form of awareness creations about the existence of these libraries, there were others prior to the discussion that did not know about the existence of these libraries. The Executive Director Mr. Asanga Rex centered his part of discussion on the broader picture of CESRUD and that of FAVL. How the three community libraries came about and other interventions by CESRUD to improve quality education and reduce poverty among others. He also touched on the extension of the libraries to 22 basic schools with books stock of over 600. He seized the opportunity to thanked Biblionef Ghana for the donations of the books that was distributed yesterday.

During the phone- in session, a good number of people called and thanked Mr. Asanga Rex for the support he have been able to give to the respective communities and schools through CESRUD/FAVL Ghana and all partners who supports with the donations of books and other learning materials to these libraries. Some of the callers wanted to know the measures put in place to prevent stealing of the books, and also when a child borrow a book and misplaced or lost the book, will that child be asked to pay for the book? I responded by explaining to those callers that every book in each of the libraries are stamp and given unique numbers that helps in the tracking of the books should any book be stolen or missing, then again the community libraries librarians are also trained on issues of this nature, they are to ensure that no bags enter the library and that users are search before leaving the libraries when need be. On the other question, when a borrow book is misplaced or lost, it will be investigated and depending on the outcome of the investigation, the child who borrow the book or the parent of that child will be asked to either pay for the book or buy same to replace the missing book.

We are planning of visiting the radio studio next time with some patrons for them to share some benefits of reading with listeners.

Reading day event at Kitengesa Community Library in Uganda

Muhammad, an assistant librarian at Kitengesa Community Library in Uganda, sent a short note that the library held a reading day event, with
16 pupils from the local school for the deaf, 20 pupils from St. Joseph Lwannunda, 35 village youth including some teachers. A big turnout for reading and promoting the library!

Report from Ghana libraries the first week of March

Paul Ayuretoliya writes: This is a brief update report about happenings at the three community libraries being supported by FAVL through CESRUD for the first week of March. Attendance to the respective community libraries for week one of March was very good and encouraging. Most basic pupils and a good number of Senior High Schools student who are home for vacation patronized the respective libraries and read story books, studied notes taken from schools, practiced mathematics, and read their courses text books among others activities. Interacting with the patrons, I was told the libraries are conducive environment and places for attentive reading and focused learning. At the Sumbrungu community library, attendance for week one of March was quite impressive, some of the patrons in the course of the week read story books from the library while others studied. At the Sherigu community library, attendances to the library were also good for the first week of March. Patrons who visited the library also read  story books from the library, read their notes from school and worked on their assignments. The librarian was at post ensuring that everything worked well for an enjoyable and fun reading. The librarian was able to read few story books in group with patrons. The renovation works at the Gowrie-Kunkua library is steadily progressing and there will be more updates in a few days time.

Gowrie-Kunkua repair update

Paul Ayuretoliya writes: This is a brief update report on progress of the plastering works at the Gowrie-Kunkua community library. The interior plastering have since been completed and plastering of the exterior walls has begun. The good thing is with where the plastering works have reached, I’m optimistic that by the end of this month (March) all renovation works will be completed and the library will be open for public patronage. The work have actually been delayed but when completed, I envisage a more beautiful looking library with more space than the former. So in brief, work is ongoing and will soon be completed.

Rapport Alidou du 5 au 9 décembre 2021

Dounkou Sanou ecrit: Les activités d’animation de la période du 5 au 9 janvier 2021 ont observé des sorties dans les bibliothèques de Karaba ; Dohoun ; Koho et Koumbia.

Le 05 janvier j’ai mené les activités au CMH pour le renforcement des capacités de l’animateur de la bibliothèque mobile. Nous avons corrigé son rapport et travaillé sur les photos. Comment prendre les photos dans l’appareil pour mettre sur l’ordinateur ; comment diminuer la taille et nommer ces images.

Le 06 janvier j’ai effectué le déplacement à la bibliothèque de Karaba. La gérante et moi avons effectué une sortie de sensibilisation dans les écoles A et B de Karaba. Nous avons été bien reçu par les enseignants des dites écoles. Notre message a également été bien reçu par les élèves. Cette sensibilisation permit à la gérante Domboué Hakahoun d’enregistrer 14 abonnés. Une trentaine d’élèves présents à la bibliothèque ont bénéficié d’une sensibilisation sur le lavage des mains. C’est après la séance de dessins au choix que l’activité a pris fin.

Le 07 janvier ; ma sortie a été à la bibliothèque de Dohoun. J’ai trouvé que le gérant était absent sans motif inscrit sur le tableau d’affichage. Mes coups de fils et mon déplacement chez lui en famille m’a permis de le rencontrer et de comprendre que c’est pour des raisons sociale un malentendu avec sa mère qui lui n’a pas permis d’ouvrir la bibliothèque. Mais il m’a promis ouvrir le lendemain. Après les échanges avec le gérant de Dohoun ; j’ai mis le cap à la bibliothèque de karaba. Là-bas ; je trouvai Gnoumou Collette, une lectrice en visite de courtoisie avec la gérante. Après les présentations ; j’ai connu que c’était la cousine du maire de Houndé. Ainsi ; je l’ai incité à parcourir le livre photo sur le maire de Houndé. C’est une femme lettrée. Elle était à la fin fière d’avoir exploré les images du livre sur le maire de Houndé. Je l’ai encouragé à persévérer dans la lecture car elle peut l’ouvrir des portes pour devenir une femme leader.

Le 8 janvier j’ai effectué une sortie à la bibliothèque de Koho. Au cours de cette sortie ; j’ai organisé une séance de dessin au choix et la lecture guidée suivi d’une séance de dessin avec une vingtaine d’élèves du primaire. J’ai ensuite encouragé une lectrice pour une séance de jeux de scrabble avec la participation de la gérante.

La bibliothèque de Koumbia a été visite le 09 janvier. Un exercice de rédaction de rapport d’activité sur une séance de dessin à la bibliothèque avec le bibliothécaire. Echange avec Ouarahoun Desiré sur la lecture. Jeux de mots croisés avec deux lectrices qui ont déjà appris ce jeu avec moi.

Sensibilisation des élèves du primaire sur la fréquentation de la bibliothèque

Dounkou Sanou ecrit: Le mercredi 06 janvier 2021, la gérante de la bibliothèque villageoise de Karaba, accompagné de l’animateur de FAVL, ont effectué des sorties de sensibilisation sur la fréquentation de la bibliothèque dans deux écoles du secteur N° 1 de Houndé (Karaba). Au cours de cette sensibilisation, ils ont mis l’accent sur l’importance de la lecture, le fonctionnement de la bibliothèque et inviter les élèves à faire de la bibliothèque leurs lieu de travail. Le message a été favorablement reçu par ce public cible qui n’en demandait pas mieux. Quatorze abonnés reçu ce jour-là et une fréquentation de plus de cinquante élèves. La gérante compte continuer ces séances de sensibilisation dans les autres établissements.                                             

Echange avec un lecteur de la bibliothèque de Koumbia

Dounkou Sanou ecrit: Désiré est élève en classe de 1ère A au lycée départemental de Koumbia. C’est un abonné et fidèle lecteur de la bibliothèque de Koumbia. Rencontré le samedi 09 janvier 2021, il ne cache pas ses impressions et son rêve qui est de devenir écrivain. Pour lui, il vient lire pour améliorer son français, lire les œuvres des talents dans ce domaine de l’écriture. Son objectif est de lire quinze livres dans l’année 2021. L’enfer au paradis d’Ansowin Ignace Hien est son livre préféré. Il a été aussi ravi des nouvelles du centre multimédia de Houndé. Il compte écrire les jours avenir. Toujours selon ses dires, il faut commencer petit pour devenir grand. Il souhaite lire le parachutage de Norbert Zongo et La légende de Thomas Sankara une fois dans la bibliothèque.

Echange avec une lectrice de la bibliothèque de Karaba

Dounkou Sanou ecrit: Collette est une ménagère. Elle est une lectrice de la bibliothèque villageoise de Karaba. Elle prend souvent son petit temps pour lire à la bibliothèque et échanger avec la gérante qui est l’une de ses meilleurs amis. Elle aime beaucoup lire les livres photos qui relatent les réalités de notre culture. Son livre préféré est celui intitulé le maire de Houndé qui est son cousin. Elle compte lire de temps en temps pour maintenir son français et devenir leader de sa promotion.