Update from Kitengesa Library in Uganda

From Kate Parry, recently in Uganda:

Last Friday I visited the library, unannounced; it was my first visit in weeks. The place was busy: 17 young children were there, reading or at least looking at the storybooks, and 8 teenagers, who were working with our three computers (this is why we want to buy some new ones if we can afford it). Mr. Mayanja, who leads our Library Band was also there and eager to tell me about a project he has for Christmas: a special performance for some of the poorest people in the village, with a small gift to each of them of sugar and other necessities. He’s fundraising for it now, so I’ve promised him a contribution. I will hand it over next Friday, when the Band’s putting on a special performance for me to celebrate my recovery from surgery. I got no photographs of the Band last week, but here is an older picture of them. The drumming and dancing are terrific!

Kathy Knowles of Osu Children’s Library Fund paid a visit to CESRUD/FAVL Ghana libraries

From Paul Ayutoliya:

Kathy Knowles of Osu Children’s Library Fund paid a visit to CESRUD/FAVL Ghana libraries. They arrived at Sumbrungu on Monday the 22nd of November. She was accompanied by the new coordinator for the Kathy’s libraries in Accra, Madam Winifred Obeng Kyeremeh and their driver. Kathy is currently writing a book and wanted our views on our indigenous food among others. They visited the Sherigu and the Bolgatanga Regional Libraries.  At the Sherigu library Kathy read the story of Ferdinand with some users.She took notice of the books the librarian sewed and was impressed about it, they learned from the librarian Miss Cecilia how to sew, they both practice right at the library and sewed one book each. In Sumbrungu, they helped us to reorganize the books in the library. Auntie Kathy led the children to draw any animals in their imaginations,  all the beautiful drawings were pasted in our new reading hall. They also assisted us to take work out books from the shelves. On Tuesday before their departure to Accra, they visited the Bolgatanga market and took photos of millet, maize, beans, sweet potatoes, kenaf vegetables, Shea butter and other products. Though the stay at Sumbrungu was brief, we were honored to have them visit us.

Update from the three Uganda community libraries supported by FAVL through CESRUD for early November

From Paul Ayutoliya: Patronages to the respective three community libraries continued to better. The Junior High Schools form three students are climaxing the preparation towards their Basic Education Certificate Examination and so the continue to use the respective community libraries as serene environment for learning. Other students continue to make good use of the story books in the respective community libraries. Over the week, I tour some Junior High Schools with some librarians and met with students and their teachers. We spoke to students on the importance and benefits of reading. We encouraged students to visit the libraries near to them and read. For the BECE candidates we touched on the necessary preparation like getting their mathematical sets, pens, rules and pencils ready before the day of the examination, the need for them not to engage in any examination malpractices or fighting with colleagues or invigilators during the exams periods among others. We admonished them to continue to visit the respective libraries and read even after their examination. At the Sherigu community library, I read the story of the Leopard Drum with patrons of St. Peter and Paul Academy during my visit to the library for supervision. In the story we learned about the Akan or twi names (Akan or twi is a language spoken the Ashanti people of Ghana) of some forest animals. For instance in the story; the Akan name for leopard is Osebo, Elephant is Esono, python is Onini and others. In the story the leopard made a magnificent drum which all the forest animals like and wished it was theirs. The Sky-God wanted the drum and promised to reward any of the forest animals who would be able to bring the drum to him. The elephants, monkeys, pythons with all their big bodies tried without success, it was the tiny little tortoise who got the reward.

Summary of librarian’s reports for the month of October 2021 from CESRUD/FAVL Ghana

The three respective librarian’s reports that library’s patronage for October were very good. The Sumbrungu Community Library librarian reports that patronage to the library for the month was very impressive. He cited group reading, spelling of words, games, reading competition among others as the activities that took place during the month.The Sherigu Community Library librarian reports that library patronage for the month was good. Group reading, individual reading, visits to some schools and general cleanup exercise were some of the activities that took place in the library. She elaborated in her report about my visit with her to the Sherigu Junior High School to speak to students on the importance of reading and the need for them to visit the library and read. Some of the books read in the course of the month included The Bee Ninga, Kente for a King, the Pot of Wisdom among other books. From the Gowrie-Kunkua Community Library, the librarian also reported that attendance to the library was good. Activities for the month are almost the same as that of the Sherigu library activities.

Greetings from M-LISADA (library) in Uganda

Good morning members how are you, greetings from M-LISADA. It’s been long since we last communicated but our library is doing so well,our children are committed to coming everyday and they are so active in participating. During this period of the lock down we have engaged our children with different activities that are in the library and these are some of the activities that we have been doing in the library. Reading out loud, most of our children have been able to read audibly a story book to their friends. Story telling, this has helped our children to be attentive and participate during the activity,and most of them have been able to ask questions were necessary. Debates, this has helped to build confidence among the children. Riddles, this has helped our children to know the hidden meanings of some words. Playing games, this has helped our children to be active, be great thinkers and learn how to plan for something very well. Games like puzzles, cheese, Ludo and cards(matatu).

Production de livres #Burkina

Dans le cadre de la promotion de la lecture et l’accès aux livres adaptés pour la jeunesse, FAVL-BF, a initié un centre de production de livres à Houndé en collaboration avec la mairie de ladite commune et le Rotary Club Ouaga Savane. Ces temps-ci le nouveau stagiaire Ouédraogo François avec l’appui du coordonnateur national a pu réviser, ajuster et imprimer une cinquantaine de titres de livres CMH. A cela, il a imprimé environ 2000 copies. Ces livres sont écrits par les talents et illustrateurs locaux. Cette production entre dans le cadre de la préparation de la première foire de livres CMH prévue pour cette fin d’année 2021. Les livres réalisés et imprimés sont bien adaptés aux jeunes lecteurs des bibliothèques et peuvent servir de séances de débats et discutions pour la jeunesse.

October update on three community libraries in Upper East, Ghana run by CESRUD with support from FAVL

From Paul Ayutoliya:

The month begun well with a great number of patrons visiting and making good use of the respective three community libraries. Both the day time patronage and the night time patronage so far has been fantastic with a number of exciting reading activities. I also paid visits to some schools. On Monday the 4th of October at the Sumbrungu Library, I read the story of Mumaizu and the Hippos among others with some pupils of St. Charles Lwanga Primary School. This story book is one of the children favorite books. According to some pupils, they like the pictorial illustrations that is in the book. Students and pupils from the surrounding schools also visited the library and read different kinds of story books on individual basis and also in groups with colleagues. The librarian also read some story books with students.

In the evening session the library also recorded a great number of young adults visiting the library, especially the year threes Junior High school students who are just left with barely a month before the start of their Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE). To most of them the library is considered the most serene environment for learning.

From the Sherigu community library, patronage to the library was very good. On the 5th of October, I visited the library for supervision and monitoring. I took the opportunity and read with pupils of St. Peter and Paul Academy school two story books. The Pot of Wisdom, Ananse Stories and Kente for a King. According to the librarian, Miss Cecilia the evening time period was also very encouraging.

On 6th October, I visited the Gowrie-kunkua library. Library patronage was also quite good. I visited the Gowrie-kunkua Junior High School with the librarian and met with teachers and students of the school. I called on the teachers to continue to encourage the students to always visit the community library. I also met with all the students and spoke to them on the importance of reading and the need for each one of them to visit the library and read at all times.

I also visited some of the schools libraries to see how those libraries were doing. At Dazongo JHS and Primary School libraries, interacting with pupils actually shows that some were patronizing the books. Some other pupils and students I was told do borrow books of their interest home to read and return them at the agreed date. So by way of conclusion, the three community libraries so far has been doing great. On behalf of CESRUD, we are ever grateful to FAVL our main donor for the enormous support over the years, our appreciation also goes to Biblionef Ghana for also supporting all basic schools in Sumbrungu and some schools in Nyariga with School libraries. Big ups to all those who are also supporting reading in one way or the other all over.

Mpolyabigere community library in Uganda gets books from Book Aid International!

Mpolyabigere community library and users of the library received their donations of books from Book Aid International through UgCLA. They will use these books for the on-going SOMAKO (read) project.

Article by Jane Kawalya from Makerere on “The role of Busolwe community library in improving the children’s reading culture in lunyole language”

Good intro to Busolwe community library in Uganda: “The role of Busolwe community library in improving the children’s reading culture in lunyole language“. More information about the library in Busolwe is here.

Communications téléphoniques avec les gérants de bibliothèques #Burkina

Dans le cadre du suivi des gérants et des activités dans les bibliothèques appuyées par ABVBF, le coordonnateur national Sanou Dounko, a eu des communications téléphoniques avec les gérants de Korsimoro, Mané, Niankorodougou et Kiembara.

  • A Korsimoro, le gérant Bangré Justin continu de faire fonctionner la bibliothèque malgré les 19 mois passés sans percevoir ses frais de motivations mensuels. Durant ce mois de septembre 2021, il a enregistré 4 abonnés, 199 sorties de livres et 271 de fréquentations. Il a réalisé un inventaire des livres de la bibliothèque le 2 octobre dernier. Selon toujours notre communication, l’enseignant affecté au sein de la bibliothèque n’a pas encore pris service parce qu’il suit des cours à l’université à Ouagadougou.
  • A Mané, Asalfo le gérant dit être découragé parce qu’il n’a pas été convié à la rencontre bilan organisé par le BBIII à Kaya. Il continu de travailler à la bibliothèque en attendant que la mairie lui verse ses frais de motivation de 20 mois. Il a promis d’envoyer les données qu’il a collecté.
  • A Niankorodougou, la gérante dit être satisfaite parce qu’avec la rentrée scolaire, la fréquentation de la bibliothèque a commencé à augmenter. Pour ce mois de septembre, elle a collecté 7 abonnés, 53 sorties de livres et 647 de fréquentations. Elle n’a aucune aéré de frais de motivation. Elle prévoir les jours à venir, faire des sensibilisations des élèves dans les écoles et lycées afin que ceux-ci fréquentent la bibliothèque.
  • Du côté de Kiembara, monsieur Corneille le gérant a enregistré pour ce mois de septembre 2021, 1 abonné, 31 sortis de livres et 181 de fréquentations. De janvier à septembre 2021, il n’a pas encore perçu ses frais de motivations. Madame la maire lui demande de patienter.

Lors de ces communications téléphoniques, le coordonnateur a félicité les gérants pour ce bon travail qu’ils font chaque jour ouvrables pour les lecteurs. Il leurs a aussi promis de rentrer en contact avec les différents maires pour plaider à la paie de leurs motivations.

Inventaire des livres à la bibliothèque de Korsimoro #Burkina

Les gérant de la bibliothèque de la commune de Korsimoro dans la province du Sanmatenga ont fait le 2 octobre 2021, un inventaire des livres de la bibliothèque. Réalisé en une journée, cet inventaire a permis de faire la situation des livres de la bibliothèque. Pour ce gérant Bangré N Justin, cet inventaire leur permettra de faire le suivre la récupération des livres en retard.

Avis d’une lectrice de Bobo-Dioulasso #Burkina

Je m’appelle Adeline. Je ferai la classe de terminale à la rentrée scolaire 2021-2022. J’ai découvert la bibliothèque Humanitas pendant ces vacances au mois de juillet. Je me suis abonnée. J’ai lu 4 romans. Celui que j’ai aimé est L’aventure ambiguë de Sembene Ousmane. Dans le roman, j’ai aimé particulièrement le parcourt de Semba Diallo depuis son enfant, chez les maîtres coraniques et à l’école. Il a toujours écouté et obéie les personnes ce qui lui a permis d’acquérir beaucoup de connaissance. La bibliothèque est devenue importante pour moi. Je viens passer une partie de mon temps pour avant de prendre un autre roman. La lecture me permet de découvrir de nouvelles choses et elle m’évite de passer du temps avec mes camarades à critiquer inutilement les gens. Merci aux donateurs qui ont en mis en place cette bibliothèque.